Our History
131 years of communications services in Rural Nevada!
CC Communications is a local company providing world class, leading edge telecommunications services while retaining a home-grown personal touch from the past.
CC Communications Timeline

On August 5, 1889 the Churchill County Commissioners ordered the Treasurer to issue a check for $975.00 to Western Union Telegraph to purchase the wire plans all the way from Virginia City eastward to a point 25 miles east of Stillwater. Churchill County was now in the communications business.

Churchill County Telegraph begins to transition lines into a telephone system. First terminals were installed in J.M. Sanford Hotel in Stillwater, and the line extended through the county and then north and east to both Pike’s store and Griswold’s Store in Wadsworth. The old telegraph system was replaced with talking instruments. Churchill County went “modern.”

Due to system overload, a switchboard was purchased and placed in the I.H. Kent building in Fallon. Churchill County Telephone had its first centralized office with rent costing $8.00 per month. Margaret Day was hired as switchboard operator at $35.00 per month the following year.
The switchboard and associated lines were moved into the front room of the courthouse. Churchill County Telephone’s first-rate schedule was established. Private party rates were set at $4.00 per month. As the system continued to grow, several rules and regulations were established. Two specific rules were strictly enforced: No vulgar, profane or obscene language would be tolerated and “No spitting tobacco juice in the transmitter.”

Churchill County Commissioners tried to cut down on expenses by eliminating switchboard service from 9:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. After much anger was voiced from irate customers, night switchboard service was resumed within five months.

Churchill County Telephone has its first permanent home. It was a cement block building at the current address, 50 West Williams Avenue. Cost was $3,432. Today this building is still in use by CC Communications, although many additions have changed its original appearance and size.
In spite of the depression, growth needs required Churchill County Telephone to replace the 1911 drop system with a new Kellogg, 600-line switchboard. The new switch was followed by an addition to the building creating more space and a basement.
With World War II in full swing, a Kellogg switchboard was purchased and installed for the Naval Air Station at Fallon. Churchill County Telephone gave free telephone service to the American Women Volunteer Services, allowing the organization to furnish telephone service to all servicemen.
Old-style magneto or hand-cranked telephones were used until the dial system was installed in 1954. The first dial call was made by E.R. Allyn.
By 1960 the central office had outgrown its quarters. In 1961, expansion added today’s second story. In addition to the expansion, the new Stromberg XY dial office was installed.
Churchill County Telephone conducted its first customer count. Churchill County had 3,654 telephones in service at this time.
Phone lines finally reached the county residents in Dixie Valley. Long distance calls became easy and fast due to the addition of 36 long distance circuits going to Reno, Nevada.
Churchill County Telephone began removing open wire from Tedford Lane to Briggs Lane. The project continued in 1985 with the removal of open wire from Fallon to Fernley, Nevada. This open-wire communications system was replaced with a state-of-the-art digital microwave system.
Installation of the 10,000th telephone!
During this year, Churchill County Telephone converted from an analog switching system to the digital/computer-controlled switching system. The cut over involved changes in the central office, operator positions, and toll equipment at one time. The conversion was successful, making custom calling features available to customers.
The Telemart store was opened for business. Churchill County Telephone was now in the business of selling and servicing telephones. Payphone rates went to 25 cents for local calls.
On Dec. 8, 1988, Churchill County Telephone was awarded an RSA license to build and operate a cellular telephone system for Churchill, Pershing, and Humboldt counties. On August 18th, the last two-party service was eliminated.
Churchill County Telephone celebrated its 100th birthday. Churchill County installed its first solar-powered payphone at Sand Mountain.
On September 16, 1990, the residents of Churchill County had cellular service.
Churchill County Telephone steps onto the Information Superhighway by offering customers access to the Internet.
Churchill County Telephone changed its name to CC Communications, reflecting the fact that the company now provided a variety of telecommunications.
CC Communications deploys subscription TV service “cable” via Internet Protocol, or IPTV.
CC Communications now is a full service telecommunications provider, offering Telephone, Long Distance, Internet, Television, Computer Repair & Support and Managed Data services.
Seeing the demand for bandwidth increase and recognizing the lack of reliable bandwidth access to the Internet, CC Communications constructs its own buried fiber from Fallon to Reno to expand capacity and increase reliability. This build was the significant first step in creating a fiber ring connecting Fallon, Reno, and Carson City.
CC Communications establishes a cross connect facility at the fiber hotel in Reno, NV. This further reduces reliance on other carriers for access to the Internet.
Only 18% of homes in the United States have fiber to the home access. CC Communications provides fiber to the home availability to 80% of Churchill County.
CC Comm introduces personal emergency, home, and business security monitoring services.
CC Communications was recognized as a Patriotic Employer by the National Employer Support of National Guard and Reserve “ESGR”.
CC Communications chairs the Connected Community committee for Churchill County and achieves certification as a Nevada Connected Community.
CC Communications begins offering 24/7 technical support for connected devices.
CC Communications is recognized by Congressman Amodei for connecting the Churchill County Library to Gigabit broadband.
CC Communications begins offering Voice over Internet Protocol telephone service. Unlimited calling plans to the US and 42 countries.
CC Communications establishes a second cross connect location in Reno to increase redundancy and access to the Internet.
CC Communications builds fiber into Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, completes the Fallon/Carson City/Reno fiber ring. With TRIC in the middle of the ring, we bisect the industrial park with a fiber path between Silver Springs and I80 at USA Parkway.
CC Communications acquires fiber between Reno and Las Vegas. This increases redundancy and allows the company to establish Point of Presence (PoPs) in both Reno and Las Vegas to access the Internet.
CC Communications installs remote add drop multiplexers all along the route between Las Vegas and Reno, allowing the company to deliver bandwidth in Yerington, Silver Springs, Schurz, Hawthorne, Tonopah, Beatty, Goldfield, and Pahrump utilizing Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM).
CC Communications begins delivering 1G, 10G, and 100G lightwaves to wireless Internet service providers (WISPs), cellular carriers, traditional Internet providers, datacenter customers, power plants, and other businesses along the route.
CC Communications engaged all employees to clarify and restate our Core Values in light of the evolving telecommunications industry. We adopted the following:
- Communicate: We actively share knowledge and information with each other with an open mind, taking time to listen to other’s perspectives, being receptive to new ideas and having the ability to give and receive constructive feedback with respect.
- Accountable: We take ownership and responsibility for making, keeping, and answering for all commitments to each other and our customers by keeping our promises and having integrity in our work not only as individuals, but as a team.
- Respect: We show respect for all by treating others as we wish to be treated ourselves.
- Cooperate: We work together as a unified team and strive to exceed customer expectations through quality services, support and products to ensure the success of our common goals as a company.
- Passionate: We are passionate about providing our employees and customers innovative technology solutions through continual personal and professional growth.
CC Communications provides free installs and Internet to students and teachers without home Internet during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CC Communications partners with Churchill County Social Services to bring Internet and connected devices to rural seniors.